BBQ Store.

Responsive Web Development • User Experience Design • SEO • Content Production • Storytelling


32% visitors
75%return of investment
45%loading speed


BBQSTORE came to Green Religion, as they wanted assistance with their PPC account. Most of their sales were in the summer months, so they wanted campaigns that increased their revenue and brand awareness worldwide during the winter months. In addition, they needed a responsive website that was optimized for search engines.


We identified that the BBQSTORE website was very simple and thus difficult to scale. As they wanted to increase their customer base globally, we changed to WooCommerce. We implemented a seamless migration of their customer data to the new site and used a mobile first approach to the website design, and progressively enhanced the design for a better UX.

The BBQ and grill market growth has been driven by a shift in consumer spending since Covid-19. Globally the BBQ market is predicted to grow from $7.96 billion to $10.38 billion by 2025. This put Green Religion in the ideal position to develop a robust online strategy for increasing visibility and the conversion rate.

To engage customers, we carried out substantial market research. Together we chose to target ”Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z” customers, who value quality products and have disposable income to spend. The website was designed with that target audience in mind, and we focused on using informed storytelling to inspire customers as well as sell products all year round.

The perfect BBQ is no longer rare when you grill with our premium charcoal or gas BBQs. Delicious food, wherever you are.

Promote our stores and profit

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